The Antique House
The barn - excavation (sort of) begins
05/29/09 22:14
The barn on our property is in need of some TLC. The main house is a little over 211 years old now, the barn is definitely not that old. The foundation may be 100 or more, we don’t know. A former owner of the property alluded to it being used in the last days of stagecoach travel. It’s a 4 stall horse barn.


The gardens are amazing again this Spring
05/27/09 20:18
The crocuses, tulips, daffodils, lilacs, hepatica and trillium have all finished their blooming. It’s on to the blossoms for berries, rhododendron, hydrangea and poppies now.


They aren't pretty but they are wonderful
09/25/08 01:13
Cutting into crisp apples grown in your own yard is unbelievably rewarding. I’m working on getting enough juice for at least one or two more batches of jelly.
Did I say the gardens were giving it shot?
07/10/08 21:39
The gardens are giving it a shot, the weather isn't helping much though
04/14/08 23:16
The magnolia valiantly bloomed before we had another night of ridiculously low temps here in western PA.
Ah the Fine Weather, the Gardens...
06/24/07 00:58
It's terribly difficult to stay focused on indoor activities with so much going on around the yard. Flowers in bloom, things still to be planted and berries, oh the berries!Read more...
Some birds are just dumb
05/25/07 20:52

Living with History
04/27/07 11:03
Our family has taken on a potentially monumental task of very literally living with history. We've been in our new home now for a little over a year. We've taken on the care of a 210 year old stone and frame structure that used to be an Inn on the historic Lincoln Highway though it's days as hotel or inn began well before that road received that designation.Read more...