24 May 2009
The barn - excavation (sort of) begins
05/29/09 22:14 Filed in: The Antique House
The barn on our property is in need of some TLC. The main house is a little over 211 years old now, the barn is definitely not that old. The foundation may be 100 or more, we don’t know. A former owner of the property alluded to it being used in the last days of stagecoach travel. It’s a 4 stall horse barn.


The gardens are amazing again this Spring
05/27/09 20:18 Filed in: The Antique House|Heirloom Gardening
The crocuses, tulips, daffodils, lilacs, hepatica and trillium have all finished their blooming. It’s on to the blossoms for berries, rhododendron, hydrangea and poppies now.