20 May 2007
The dilemma... which software to compare next
05/25/07 23:28 Filed in: Macintosh Software|Software Comparisons
I should know better than to ask. Now that I have some suggestions for comparing Mac software beyond the list I generated for myself I'm in avoidance mode. A couple suggestions I just don't want to add to the list. A couple would be great to do but mighty time consuming.Read more...
A 210 Year Old Garden?
05/25/07 21:05 Filed in: Heirloom Gardening
A couple of things have been on my mind as we occupy the space that has had four owners in 210 years. First, what did the inside of this place actually look like way back in 1798? And then, what, if anything did they grow around here? Possibly to feed the folks who braved the travels across Pennsylvania from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh.
Some birds are just dumb
05/25/07 20:52 Filed in: The Antique House

Last chance at current Drobo discount...
We're in the 5 day countdown now. If you've decided that the Drobo is the storage unit for you and want to take advantage of the cool technology that protects your data in the event of a drive failure, just grab this code — REFJENL — and go on over to the Drobo Store to get one for yourself at $25.00 off!
If you need more info before you make your decision, pop into the Drobospace Forums or check out recent articles on Gizmodo or engadget. The "Friend of Beta Tester" discount expires on May 30th. So grab it soon!
If you need more info before you make your decision, pop into the Drobospace Forums or check out recent articles on Gizmodo or engadget. The "Friend of Beta Tester" discount expires on May 30th. So grab it soon!
What source(s) do you rely on for Mac software info?
05/21/07 15:46 Filed in: Macintosh Software
It’s pretty inevitable that people develop varied working methods. Hence, one application doesn’t suit everyone equally. I find direct reviews of individual applications useful to a point. However, I’m finding more and more that there are quite a number of applications aimed at managing or enabling the same tasks — launchers, text editing, html/css/web creation and so on. So my question is this: Are there any definitive sources of comparisons for software meant to handle the same task?Read more...